WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited engages in the utility business mainly by serving manufactures and operators in industrial estates and industrial lands. The Company’s products and services are consisted of raw water procurement, industrial water production and distribution, and wastewater treatment services. WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited has continuously expanded its industrial water production capacity and improved its wastewater treatment capability to serve its growing number of industrial customers in WHA’s industrial estates. The Company is committed to continue developing its capacity in parallel with WHA Industrial Development’s investments, both locally and international.
The Company and its subsidiary have experience and expertise in managing integrated utilities services by procuring and supplying raw water; producing and distributing industrial water as well as providing wastewater management services to customers in eight industrial estates and industrial industrial land in Chonburi, Rayong and Saraburi, developed and managed by WHA Industrial Development PLC. as follows:
- WHA Chonburi Industrial Estate 1 (WHA CIE 1)
- WHA Chonburi Industrial Estate 2 (WHA CIE 2)
- WHA Eastern Industrial Estate (Map Ta Phut) (WHA EIE)
- Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (Rayong) (ESIE)
- WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 1 (WHA ESIE 1)
- WHA Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate 2 (WHA ESIE 2)
- WHA Rayong Industrial Land (WHA RIL)
- WHA Saraburi Industrial Land (WHA SIL)
With our continuous growth in WHA’s Industrial Estates, the Company’s raw water and industrial water management and distribution volume has reached 66 million cubic meters per year, whereas the wastewater treatment volume has reached 34 million cubic meters per year to date.
Under WHA Industrial Development business, WHA has developed 8 Industrial Estates on operation in Chonburi, Rayong and Saraburi. In addition, they are still have 4 Industrial Estates under the development in this couple years time. The company has our team experience and expertise in managing an integrated water and wastewater treatment system, are ranging from procurement, transportation, production, management and distribution.
WHAUP procures and distributes raw water to factories in the WHA’s industrial estates. The Company offers raw water as an alternative of water consumption for industrial operators with a current water demand at 45,500 cubic meters per day. Major customers for this product include customers from steel industry and independent power producer (IPP) etc.

WHAUP produces and distributes industrial water to manufacturers with the capacity of 281,000 cubic meters per day. There are 2 types of industrial water as below:
- Process water is industrial water that has undergone the processes of sedimentation, filtration and chlorination for disinfection. The final product is used in the production process in industrial plants in general. WHAUP’s core customers include customers from automotive industry, food industry and electronics industry.
- Clarified water is produced through the processes of sedimentation, filtration and chlorination. The difference is the quantity and concentration of chlorine in the water; in particular a very small amount of chlorine is left in the clarified water when it is distributed to customers. This product can serve the demand of customers in heavy industries such as petrochemical industrial plants and power plants, since the chlorine can corrode machinery and equipment used in those industries.

WHAUP provides wastewater treatment services to manufacturers located in WHA’s Industrial Estates, to ensure that their used water is treated in accordance with applicable standards imposed by the Ministry of Industry before being discharged into the centre wastewater treatment of each industrial estate. Those treated wastewater can be discharged into natural sources of water or be recycled into the production process. The total wastewater treatment combined from all locations is about 117,000 cubic meters per day.

Throughout the years, we have managed our organization and operations harmoniously with the environment at each step of our business processes. We focus on energy saving through new innovations and efficiency improvement. For instance, Wetland and Aerated Lagoon which are biological wastewater treatment systems that are environmentally friendly and consume significantly less electricity for wastewater treatment. This project, in cooperation with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), follows the late His Majesty King King Bhumibol’s footsteps in treating waste water biologically, by co-adapted a “wetland project” that is environment-friendly, nature-based and suitable for industrial estates. The constructed wetland treats waste water efficiently and reduces energy consumption in the treatment process. The treate water from constructed wetland can be recycled by factories for gardening and other purposes.