Corporate Governance
WHA Utilities and Power Public Company Limited (“the Company”) realizes the significance of sustainable business operations with responsibility and fairness, thus we adhere to comply with the principles of good corporate governance in order to enhance our competitiveness and efficiency in management by focusing on sustainable growth for long term value added to the Company, shareholders, and all involved stakeholders with transparency and verifiability. Therefore, the Company has established relevant corporate governance policies for directors, management, and employees to use and practice as guidance. The Company’s Corporate Governance Policy is in accordance with the corporate governance code of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand and the Stock Exchange of Thailand, as well as the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. In addition, on 31st December 2022, Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (“CAC”) announced that the Company has been recertified as a member for two consecutive years, reflecting the Company's commitment to fight all forms of corruption and putting in place good corporate governance policies and practices, which appear on the CAC’s website at