Green Efforts Project
WHAUP also collaborated with WHAID and community volunteers on a reforestation project in the Bo Win sub-district, planting 300 samples of indigenous trees such as afzelia xylocarpa, lamduan, and mahogany. Students from Chonburi’s Ban Khao Hin School were also invited to learn about the importance of trees in the ecosystem and the effects of climate change on daily life. Aside from providing shade, healthy trees also provide oxygen and reduce carbon in the air, as well as food and shelter for wildlife and the preservation of favorable water and soil conditions.
In addition, teaching children about recycling and living an environmentally friendly lifestyle was another activity on the green agenda. Employees from the WHA group delivered color-coded trash bins to the Ban Phan Sadet Nok School in Sri Racha, Chonburi, and explained the concept of sorting and recycling to the students in order to keep the planet clean. The young students engaged in lively discussions about how to sort waste materials and listened to suggestions and tips about waste reduction and reuse. Sharing the value of doing good for nature and the environment can begin at a young age.