Solar Rooftop
WHAUP prioritizes the installation of solar panels within WHAUP's own operations to increase the use of renewable energy consumption. In 2021, renewable energy generated from the installed solar rooftop panels at the water treatment facility at WHA Eastern Industrial Estate (WHA EIE) were able to reduce conventional electricity by 315,857 kWh per year, thus offset 177 tCO2e of GHG Scope 2 emission. Additionally, the solar carparks at WHA ESIE at Plaza 1 and Plaza 2 and at WHA ESIE 4 carpark also generated and substituted grid electricity usage by 352,015 kWh, thus prevented 197 tCO2e of indirect emissions with its produced solar energy.
To further increase renewable energy generation capability, WHAUP has developed a pilot project to install solar rooftop panels coupled with battery energy storage system (BESS) at the water plant in Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate (ESIE). The solar rooftop system was completed and commenced operation in November 2021. The system's solar rooftop panels generated approximately 813.2 kW of solar power with BESS capacity of 550 kWh. This project will help WHAUP reduce around 1,150 MWh of electricity off-take from the grid each year, which is equivalent to saving on electricity expenses of around 4 million Baht per year. Totally, WHAUP will be able to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) scope 2 emissions by 15,000 tCO2e due to grid electricity substitution throughout the project's lifetime.